A black-and-white coloring page for children illustrating the vision of Isaiah in the temple. The scene shows the Lord seated on a high and exalted throne, with the hem of His robe flowing down and filling the temple. Above Him, seraphim with six wings hover gracefully—two wings covering their faces, two covering their feet, and two outstretched for flying. One seraph holds a glowing coal with tongs from the altar and is flying toward Isaiah. Isaiah stands below, overwhelmed, with an expression of awe and humility. Smoke fills the temple, symbolizing God’s presence, and the doorposts appear to tremble. The background includes tall temple pillars, but the focus remains on Isaiah, the seraphim, and the Lord’s presence. The overall style is child-friendly, with clear, simple outlines and plenty of space for coloring. The mood is reverent and majestic.
children , flying , simple , down , clear , OUTLINES , scene , him , above , his , their , blackandwhite , majestic , expression , holds , flowing , wings , fills , seated , tall , below , high , space , two , focus , gods , illustrating , glowing , symbolizing , stands , six , coal , overall , faces , filling , lord , toward , robe , feet , temple , vision , presence , mood , covering , shows , isaiah , exalted , throne , hem , seraphim , hover , gracefullytwo , outstretched , seraph , tongs , altar , overwhelmed , awe , humility , smoke , doorposts , appear , tremble , pillars , remains , lords , childfriendly , plenty , reverent
Jan 29, 2025 06:12 AM
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Coloring-Pages.AI is an online platform that uses advanced AI technology to generate personalized coloring pages for both kids and adults. Simply provide a prompt, and the AI creates unique designs based on your input.
Creating a coloring page is simple. Just enter your desired prompt, choose the size and style you want, and let our AI generate a custom coloring page for you in seconds.
You can use a wide variety of prompts, including animals, nature, characters, or abstract ideas. The AI will interpret your input creatively to generate a coloring page based on your specifications.
We support multiple image sizes, ranging from standard coloring book size to larger poster formats. You can select the size that best suits your needs when generating your coloring page.