
At Coloring Pages AI, we offer flexible pricing options to meet the needs of every user, whether you’re just getting started or a seasoned coloring enthusiast. Choose the plan that’s right for you:

Monthly Yearly

Free Plan

Create up to 10 coloring pages per month for free! Enjoy basic features and discover the creativity of AI-generated coloring pages.


Generate 10 Images
1 Images Per Request
Images Available For Unlimited Time
Sizes : square, portrait_4_3, landscape_4_3

Basic Plan

Generate up to 100 coloring pages monthly with enhanced quality and no watermarks. Perfect for personal projects and hobbyists.


Generate 100 Images
2 Images Per Request
Images Available For Unlimited Time
Sizes : square_hd, square, portrait_4_3, portrait_16_9, landscape_4_3, landscape_16_9
No Watermark

Pro Plan

Generate up to 500 high-quality coloring pages each month. Perfect for creative enthusiasts and professionals.


Generate 500 Images
4 Images Per Request
Images Available For Unlimited Time
Sizes : square_hd, square, portrait_4_3, portrait_16_9, landscape_4_3, landscape_16_9
No Advertisements
No Watermark

Basic Plan

Generate up to 100 coloring pages monthly with enhanced quality and no watermarks. Ideal for personal projects and hobbyists


Generate 100 Images
2 Images Per Request
Images Available For Unlimited Time
Sizes : square, portrait_4_3, landscape_4_3
No Advertisements
No Watermark

Pro Plan

Generate up to 500 high-quality coloring pages monthly. Perfect for creative enthusiasts and professionals.


Generate 500 Images
4 Images Per Request
Images Available For Unlimited Time
Sizes : square_hd, square, portrait_4_3, portrait_16_9, landscape_4_3, landscape_16_9
No Advertisements
No Watermark

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